An afterwork sketch, initially started as an experiment with tones and shapes, trying to obtain depth without abusing the levels and contrasts, but reworked a bit because I was unsatisfied with the final result. Also added a work in progress explaining the technique I used for this image.
These are some compositions I've been working on in the past few days. I've been exploring a lot with lighting and composition, as well as trying to clean up my style a bit. Hope you like them.PillarsAncient PassNeutral ZoneGenesis
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I've had the pleasure of coordonating the very talented Concept Art team for Modern Combat 5: Blackout for well over 1 year, so I'm proud to present our collective work from the game. I've only included the art that has been developed under my direct supervision as a Art Director and Concept Art Lead, but probably the ammount of art developed for the game is doubled than what you'll see here. I hope you like them . :)
Concept Art Team:
Ioan Alexandru Ichim - Portfolio
Adrian Mihai Marchidan - Portfolio
Andrei Gino Stratolat
Karoly Botond Harko - Portfolio
Promotional IllustrationsThis is a set of Illustrations done for the Marketing Department, for promoting the game before it's release.Art by Alex Ichim
EnvironmentsA selection of environment concepts, some of which didn't made it to the final game.Art by Alex Ichim, Adrian Mihai Marchidan, Andrei Gino Stratolat, Botond Harko, George Munteanu
Character ConceptsArt by Alex Ichim, Adrian Mihai Marchidan, George Munteanu
Intro Cinematic ConceptConcept by George MunteanuCinematic Artist: Marius BobYou can watch the Full Intro HereYou can whatch the Epilogue HerePanelsPanel Concepts done for the Science Section of the Gilman Security Centre.Concepts by George Munteanu, Alex Ichim
Logo ConceptsConcepts by George Munteanu3D&Render Artists : Alberto Andrei Florea, Cristian Bumbu
Modern Combat 5 : Blackout @ 2014 Gameloft Entertainment, All Rights Reserved0Add a comment
Hi guys,
It's been a while since I've posted anything on my blog, but finally the time has come to share with you the work I've been doing for the past year.
As probably most of you know, a year ago I started my career as an Art Director, working on one of the most anticipated mobile games in the industry today, Modern Combat 5: Blackout. I started this job with really high ambitions and expectations, and from the begining, my goal was to push to the limits of what can be achieved with the mobile technology today, and create something visually spectacular, unique for any mobile game. The task wasn't an easy one, but I'm proud to say that in the end, we've managed to overcome everything that has been thrown at us, and create a game that sets new standards in the industry.
I've had the pleasure of working with some of the most talented artists from Gameloft on this project, so I want to give a BIG THANK YOU to the team....You did an amazing job guys !!!!! :)
The game received fantastic reviews so far, and hopefully it will develop into another mobile classic, like it's predecessors also did. Modern Combat 5: Blackout is out on IOS, Android and Windows, so if you really want to see the full experience, don't hesitate to try it out.
In this first post, I will be showing some screenshots, mostly used for marketing and in our loadingscreens. In order to achieve the maximum potential from the compositions, I slightly edited them, but without altering the original look&feel.
More updates coming soon. I hope you like them. :)
3D Environment Artists :
Alberto Andrei Florea - Carbonmade Portfolio
Mihai Lupu -
Vladimir Teneslav -
Alexandru Cristian Bumbu
Andrei Cojocaru
Iulian Gabriel Panea
Ana Maria Radulea
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An afterwork sketch, initially started as an experiment with tones and shapes, trying to obtain depth without abusing the levels and contrasts, but reworked a bit because I was unsatisfied with the final result. Also added a work in progress explaining the technique I used for this image.
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I've been extremely busy lately, with no time to paint as much as I used to (one of the negative side effects of being an AD), but I want to slowly start and fix this very important issue for me.
I've started with this quick doodle during my lunch time just to get me warmed up a bit. Hope you like it!
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Here’s a selection of early development concepts I did for Alien Rage, back in the days when I was working as a concept artist for City Interactive.
I worked on the game for several months in late 2011, and because it was in an early development stage, I produced a lot of sketches varying from environments to props…eventually, most of them didn’t made it in the final game. I’m not sharing the entire work I did for the project, since most of them are rough sketches, but I hope you like this selection.
Prometheus RefinerySince "Prometheus" is a re-post, I took some time to slightly change it a bit, correcting some of the mistakes I did in the original painting. You can check out the original painting here.
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I don't know if you're aware or not of what's happening in Romania, regarding the biggest mining exploitation in Europe, using cyanide, at Rosia Montana. People across a vast area are to be relocated, making way to the biggest cyanide lake in the world, and 4 mountains will dissapear, leaving behind one of the biggest mining craters in the world. It's a perfect recipe for dissaster, heavily supported by a corrupted goverment, for obvious reasons, but strongly opposed by the people. This escaladed into one of the biggest protests in Romania after the revolution in 1989, and after 2 weeks of protests already, the numbers of the protesters are growing worldwide.
I made this sketch as a sign of protest. I hope other artists will join, support the cause and spread the word.
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A new B&W illustration from my new project, picturing a journey through some unexpected places. This time, a window in space, a place where two universes touch, merging time and space.
More updates soon. Enjoy! :)
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Another B&W illustration i made in my break at work today. I went with the same idea as "Traveler", and I'm thinking of oranizing them all in a new project, that will mostly include B&W compositions. Hope you like it, more to come! :)
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Since I've been really busy at work these past 2 months, I wasn't able to find the time to paint as much as I used to, and it pains me very much. I want to get back on track, and this is the first composition from what I hope to be a long series of paintings, one each day.I went with something generic, b&w just to get warmed up. Hope you like it and keep close for future new updates. :)
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